Take A Trip Down Memory Lane.

Mianus Village Vermont Poet Jack Scully

Mianus Village

Having won the war in 1945, millions of “Greatest Generation” GIs came marching home. Of immediate concern: education, jobs, and shelter. The GI Bill helped meet those challenges with free tuition, business loans, and affordable housing. 

 In Riverside Connecticut, the government built 40 matchbox houses beside the Mianus River for veterans and their families. Author Jack T. Scully and more than a hundred “Baby Boomer” kids soon called the village and its ‘tinsel-glistening river’ home. It is the setting for this loosely autobiographical tale of self-discovery in an era of simplicity and peace.


Audiobook outlets

 Amazon Audible

Apple Music: Audiobooks

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Overdrive (Local library website for audiobooks)

Paperback outlets

Amazon Books

Barnes and Noble

The author’s website for an autographed copy at best price:  authorjacktscully@gmail.com