The Gate to Mianus Village is Open…

Click Below for a Brief Video History of Mianus Village


 Mianus Village in Riverside, Connecticut is a real place. After WWII, it became one of hundreds of low-rent enclaves for veterans and their families.

Today, Mianus Village is a lively, thriving neighborhood. While a few of the original houses remain, most have undergone major renovations. Even so, It remains a tight knit community with a rich historic past.

In Mianus Village, we lived a life not unlike that of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer in Mark Twain’s classic coming-of-age novels. What the Mississippi River was to Twain’s characters, the Mianus River was to us.

In the summer, everyone lived outdoors enjoying cool breezes off the river—as well as swimming, boating, fishing, and floating on inner tubes. Boys played wiffle ball and touch football in the street. Girls were always playing hopscotch and twirling hula hoops. At dusk, we played “Hide and Seek.” A nearby hillside woods was a perfect place for climbing trees, making huts, and playing “cowboys and Indians.” In the winter, adults and kids alike skated from late December until March.

Below are some old photos from the early days in the Village.